A Storm of Crocheted Snowflakes for Feminist Revolt

Lady Blizzard community engagement project for Neighbourhood Justice Centre, Melbourne. 

In 2017, Jenkins coordinated community workshops to create an exhibition storm of crocheted snowflakes for feminist revolt.  Recent Women’s Marches around the world galvanised women in protest against inequality and in response local community groups banded together to keep up the fight. Detractors dismiss women’s rights activists as ‘fragile snowflakes’ but, as one placard at the march declared, “Damn right we’re snowflakes: winter is coming”. The Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Facility crafted a posse of marionettes that were then transformed into protesters by Craft Cartel and given a swirl of righteous crocheted snowflake support and mini iconic ‘pussy hats’ by the North Carlton Railway Neighbourhood House Knitting Group and Craft Victoria, as worn in the original marches. Following their display at the Neighbourhood Justice Centre these rad crafts were installed by a local underground women’s group in a mass ‘Snowflake Blizzard’ in Hosier Lane, Melbourne, on Internationsl Women’s Day 2018 along with anti-rape buntings made by Wellington Craftivism Collective.  Many thanks to all of the contributors, Laila Costa, Adele, Ching Ching and the rest of the crew at NJC


Feminist advocacy project comprising several community engagment workshops, crocheted snowflake construction, installation and street art.


March-April, 2017 | March 8, 2018


North Carlton Railway Neighbourhood House Knitting Group
Craft Victoria, CBD
Neighbourhood Justice Centre, Collingwood


Neighbourhood Justice Centre, Collingwood

Street Art:

Hosier Lane, CBD