Femme Fight Club is a women’s-only, strictly non-spectator fight performance crew. A 100% participatory performance of wholesome, unleashed female biffo.
We are not interested in breaking bones (healing them takes too long) so the weapons we use (balloons, breadsticks etc) bear the brunt of our aggression and allow us to whack without fear, skill or reservation.
No experience in hitting shit is required to join a Femme Fight, just the desire to do so.
Basically we rock up at the designated spot, divide into teams, acquire weapons (ie balloons), whack each other until one team’s weapons are destroyed then disband.
It all rolls over in a short, sharp 20 minute burst.
Femme Fights enlist a small team of friendly fellows who have volunteered to mind kids in a nearby area for the duration so mums are welcome and provisions are made so people with out of the ordinary physical conditions (such as being pregnant or having a broken limb or no eyesight) can happily take part.
If you identify as female, you may biff with us. Or even if you kinda don’t but that’s how most of the world identifies you. Basically we mean ‘broad’ in a very broad sense.
Fighting meets for self-identified women. Strictly non-spectator: you show, you biff.
2011-2017 – 12 x fight performances 4 x photographic exhibitions
Fight Meets
- Edinburgh Gardens, Melbourne (2011, 2012, 2017)
- Görlitzer Park, Berlin, Germany (2011)
- ‘Some of my best friends are femme’ event, Melbourne (2011)
- College Green, Bristol, UK (Bristol Biennial Community Art Festival, 2012)
- Light Square, Adelaide, Australia (FEAST Festival, 2012)
- Trocadero Gallery (2017)
Photography Exhibits + Festivals
- FemiNEST, Darwin Visual Arts Association, Australia, 2013
- LadyFest Paris, France, 2012
- Bristol Biennial Community Art Festival, 2012
- FEAST Festival, Adelaide, 2012
All weapons are destructible, salvaged mainly from waste materials and used for compost, where possible, post-fight.
- brute femme force
- balloons
- bread sticks
- jelly
- wet newspapers
- beer
- wine
- water
- flowers
- hair
- vegan wedding cake
- ice
- spaghetti & beans