For the final week of this performance artWORK you can tune in every day 9-5 & watch me work via the CCTV cameras rigged up in the Body of Work work-space. It promises to be nominally more interesting than watching paint dry. Unless, of course, someone hires me to watch paint dry. No! Even then it’ll be slightly more captivating.
So check back here to make sure I have my nose to the grind-stone &, if you see me slacking off, come in to the work-site at Dark Horse Experiment Gallery, 110 Franklin st, crack the whip & have a wave at the cameras.
Today I will be labouring at the rate of $12.50 per hour, the same rate Worker Shula received for her labour sub-contracted to the Coroner as a Body Collector. I have a full day of work scheduled with the following Employers & tasks:
- 9-11am: Employer Stefanie: Task: Reading/Research (materials provided)
- 11-midday: Employer John: Task: Audio Recoding of reading of various texts for impro/ambient/indie band The Newport Dolls
- 12-1pm: LUNCH
- 1-3pm: Employer Lindsay: Task: Tax Receipt Compilation
- 3-3:30pm: BREAK
- 3.30-5pm: Employer Mary: Task: Bag Repair
There is one more wage rate & date to go up before this project is out & a few more work-shift slots available, so if you’d like to engage my labour put in an enquiry form here.